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Saturday, January 24, 2015

JOYFUL Connecting!

This photo of porcelain berries was taken 
on one of our morning walks...most
likely our friend Janet was with us.
I have a great story about these 
for another time.
Joy comes from a conversation I had a couple of mornings ago with my friend Anita while we were on a morning walk. She told me she is starting her 4th year of a shared project with her daughter idea that bubbled out the enthusiasm I have for my shared journal experiences. I absolutely love what they are doing!

Each month they both use a 3 by 5 card to document thoughts and snippets of their month...a quote, a ticket, a recipe, a receipt...anything! Sometimes they do just one card a month...sometimes 3 or 4. There are only two rules:  It has be on a 3 by 5 card and it has to be positive.  They mail them to each other at the end of month and they each get a glimpse into the others' life...those little things that might go unnoticed or unsaid.  At the end of each year they get all their own cards back and begin again.

At the end our walk Anita showed me some of her cards...all organized by year in cute little boxes. What a great way to keep track of your gratitude and joy. It made my day!

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