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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

My Star Collection...

...Surrounding Myself With What I Love

My friend Adam has been making paper stars since he was in the 4th grade. When he was a freshman he attended the high school where I was teaching and that winter the whole school took a break from regular classes for a few days and teachers offered special interest courses. I offered "Paper Crafts,"  and as you might have guessed, I had a room full of girls.  During a break on the first day much to the pleasure of the walked Adam.  He had signed up for "War Movies, Just for Fun." Yes, you read that right.

Having been a paper star maker for years Adam spent his break showing some of the girls how to make them....needless to say he never made it back to War Movies. At the end of the session, I was lucky enough to end up with a small jar of stars on my desk and I gave them out to students when they needed a little token of recognition.

Over the years I have collected 
many of Adam's stars.    

This jar contains about 1800!

It sits on a cupboard as you enter my back door and is probably the thing in my house that gets noticed and asked about the most.  Even service workers have asked about it.

Next to the big jar is a little jar with small stars made from notebook paper. 

Adam used markers to make thestripes.  

These teeny tiny little stars sit in the printer's drawer in my dining room.  You can see just how small they are...I think he had to use tweezers. 

     Can you spot the little jar?

Here's another jar on the shelf in the living room.

I think I also have a jar upstairs and I know I have some in Maine....but you get the idea.

Thanks Adam!  I love that your stars are sprinkled all over the house!

Adam is a young adult now and is still making stars and selling them in a store in Maine.


  1. MaryAnn the star project and the book sharing project are both so beautifully shared here. I'm know the stars mean a lot so it's great that they, Adam and you and the story all get shared. Great blog

  2. Thank you for the kind words! Yes, the stars mean a lot to me and it was fun telling Adam's story.

  3. Is the little star jar in the middle section, left end of second row?
