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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Hands Calendar..and a New Skill!

Screen Shots!
Who Knew?

I'm not sure what
gets me more excited...learning a new skill or sharing some of my calendar projects!

My niece Clarke was visiting for the weekend and taught me how to do a screen shot! I can't tell you how excited I was! It will be an easy way for me to share some of my digital projects.
(I will explain more about screen shots if anyone is takes a minute to learn)

OK....back to the calendars...

I have been making little 4 X 6 calendars for friends and family for quite some time. Some are digital and some are individually collaged with photos etc.  I love giving them as gifts because they can be personalized so easily. This particular one was for my sister Nancy who has a series of beautiful hand photographs hanging in her bedroom...I have always loved them.  I gathered the images, and using my simple "Pages" program on my Mac...created the calendar.  Each month's page slides easily into a plexiglass stand up frame you can get anywhere.

Warning:  I love my little you will probably see more...and I have made several. Nancy's birthday is coming up and I am working on her new one...and it's not digital this time!  Stay tuned!  It will be finished soon.

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