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Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Rainbow Banner

Our church is nearing the end of a major renovation. The goal of the project has been to make the building more accessible and welcoming with the addition of an elevator and all kinds of improved and new spaces.  And with new spaces comes new opportunities for Joan and I have been busy.

This rainbow spectrum quilt will be part of a welcome wall as you enter the the lower part of the building.  It's hard to get the whole quilt into a photo and give you a feel for the size....but it's 18 inches wide and 63 inches long.

The inspiration for the color scheme was a beautiful piece of upholstery fabric....and we bought a scrumptious stack of new batiks.

The first step was ripping strips of various sizes from the's alway hard for me to make that first rip or cut into a new piece of fabric.

Then we started sewing...slicing...shifting...repeat.

When we got to the yellow...we realized we needed transition was just too stark of a contrast between the yellow and the orange and green. We wanted the colors to flow into each other.

That led us to search our stashes for transition colors for the whole piece...which ended up being a good thing. Some of the transition fabrics were sewn in and some were all fused on top.

Then we just kept going and going...or should I say sewing and sewing.


My dining room has been command central for several weeks....complete with a piece of rigid insulation as a design board. It's important to constantly step back to get a different perspective. Taking a picture and putting it on your screen also helps with the process.

Then at some point we just had to stop.

Finally it was all finished off with coordinating strips of binding and wavy lines of topstitching using variegated thread.  We are pleased with our result.
Stay tuned to see it in the new space!  

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