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Monday, February 9, 2015

Dreaming of the Deck

I actually like winter.  I enjoy my indoor projects and I don't even mind the shorter days. But with snow storm after snow storm I am "dreaming of the deck." So I thought I would give a tour of the backyard transformation at our house in Maine.
This is how it looked towards the end of the summer.   
Maine gives us time and a place to "'pause." 
We sit out here for hours.

We spent the first summer using this terrible patio. 
It was difficult to find a level place for the chairs...and 
notice the plant pot table and rock foot stools.

In the middle of the second summer a 
couple of young guys dug up the old patio.

Another couple of guys built the deck.
Now we had a level place for our chairs...but it was still a little stark and not very inviting...but we were out there as often as we could be.  We lived with it this way for the rest of that summer.

Last spring it was time to soften the corners and add a 
few foundation plants and a dwarf river birch...still a 
little sad...but its improving.
Comfortable gravity chairs and a bistro set were a nice addition. 
Things are greening's starting to take shape.  Notice
that the next door neighbor put up a new fence!
Good makes a nice backdrop.
The umbrella makes it cozy and adds some protection from the sun. In the late afternoon our neighbor has a perfectly placed tree for shade...just in time for happy hour.  The umbrella has solar lights that are delightful at night.  I can see I need a better solution for the pipe wrap padding on the chair rung....the blue painter's tape is not the answer.
The back yard has become a nice sanctuary.  Since this picture was taken we have had the paint on the house retouched.  
A pot of succulents is perfect for the deck...they love the sun and need very little water.  I am propagating lots of babies 
this winter to expand to more pots. 
For now I will embrace my indoor projects...but come spring...I'll be ready Paul!   


  1. Wow! Beautiful transformation! It is nice to see the "before" and "after". The sunshine and green looks SO good right about now! What a great new space.

  2. You and Dave will have to join us out there sometime!

  3. Looks like there is room for another chair....
