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Monday, February 16, 2015

Matt Adrian's Birds

These are snapshots from one of my Pinterest boards.
I am a big fan of Matt Adrian's birds. His website can be found here and as mentioned on the pins on the left his work can also be found here. I love the soft colors and the simplicity of his images. I saw them mounted on wood at a gift store in Portland a few years back...but they were a bit out of my price range.  Then I came across one of his calendars.  When the year was up...I made my own mounted bird.

In retrospect...I should have used a bigger panel...and oriented the bird a bit to the left...but I still love it!

It lives on a bookshelf in the living room at our house in Maine.

The lovely painting is from a raffle I won at a fundraiser at the Lexington Library.  And don't you love the lamp shade?...I found it at the Goodwill Store.

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