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Saturday, March 14, 2015

"Story People"

This quote from Brian Andreas was in my altered book...It's one of my favorites!  
I have the print hanging in Maine....see the picture below.

"I spent a long time trying to find my center until I looked closely one night and found it had wheels and moved easily in the slightest breeze, so now I spend less time sitting and more time sailing.  Brian Andreas.

Brian calls his creations "Story People" and his website can be found here.  I get a feed of the "Story of the Day" through my little snapshots of many of them relatable.

On the website they say:

"Our wish is that other people experience this amazing world we live in as a world of imagination & possibility & healing.  We believe our stories do that.  We believe in the power of stories, not because they're our stories, but because it is valuable & right to protect the precious connections between people."

Well said!

This is the wall going up the is growing.

The three other art pieces are from a local artist...her "story" later.

My sister Nancy gave me the sweet little glass mosaic...something I want to try.

I own several of Brian's prints and will share more many of them speak to me.

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