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Saturday, March 21, 2015

"The Sheldon Church Yard"

Paul and I took a trip to Charleston, South Carolina for our 30th wedding anniversary.  We stayed several nights in a lovely place on the was windy and cold but it was beautiful.

The sunrise from our screen porch.

After a relaxing time in Charleston we were making our way to Savannah to visit some dear friends and Paul caught a glimpse of a tiny sign with an arrow that said “Sheldon Church Yard.”  We immediately backed up and make the turn.

For years Paul had been listening to a song by Larry John Wilson called “The Sheldon Church Yard” and was never really sure it was real place.

It was a real place...and it was the absolute highlight of the whole trip for Paul.  It had been an Episcopal Church that burned during the Civil War and never rebuilt.  It has gown to be an enchanting, spiritual place....and it did not disappoint.  

There was something very special about it...the preserved arches and columns...the large trees dripping with spanish moss....almost eerie.

The song is about a guy in search of a new life who visits the Sheldon Church Yard. He encounters an old woman who gives him advise.

I made this little photo collage for his birthday a few years ago.

 It lives in Paul's room in Maine.

Paul's room doubles as a guest space...but it's a cozy place for him to listen to music and read.

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