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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Lean on Me!

Paul and I stumbled upon this amazing rock sculpture at Fort Williams Park in Cape Elizabeth this afternoon.  There was something about the gray backdrop that made it seem somewhat etherial. Right in the center on the horizon is The Ram Island longer in service.

This particular beach is steep and almost all rocks.  At low tide there is some sand and it gets deep very fast.  If you sit here long enough you can catch a big ship or two going by...the channel into Portland Harbor is just to the left.  We have lots of fond memories of the boys playing on this beach during their
growing up years.

What a perfect way to spend a  little time this afternoon.

Smaller than you
thought...isn't it?
Fort Williams Park is home to Portland Headlight, one of the most famous lighthouses in Maine.  It is just a couple of miles from our house in South Portland. The photos below were taken another's not that green here in Maine yet.

 The classic rocky coast of Maine....almost at our doorstep.  How lucky are we?


  1. Is the sculpture small? Or have you and Paul become giants? hmmm.

  2. Ha's probably a bit of both.
