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Friday, April 17, 2015

Revolutionary Rubber Duckies....

...that's how it started.

I have to admit that I kind of like rubber duckies...I have a few polka dotted ones hanging around my bathrooms.  Not quite enough to call a collection....but that would soon change.

A few years ago Paul was sure he found the perfect gift for my birthday...gloating for days certain he had nailed it.  He hates to shop so when he does find something he thinks I will like...he gets a little goofy.

Well, most of you know we live in Lexington, Massachusetts...the midnight ride....the shot heard round the know the story.  As a matter of fact Patriot's Day is coming up and that's a big deal here in Lexington.

Paul had found a set of Revolutionary War ducks....and he was quite tickled with himself.  Better than jewelry...don't you think?

Now, one might think that I would have been all set with 5 new ducks...but no....Paul was on a roll...and they just kept coming.  They fit so well in a Christmas stocking.

Here we have the pirate who sits by the kitchen sink in Maine.

Then came the little one with the beanie who joined my
yellow polka dotted one.

Then came the beach ducky in the pink polka dotted keep my green one company in Maine.

Finally....or probably not....
this little sweetheart sits in 
the kitchen window.

I can certainly call it
a collection now.

What's next Paul?  

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