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Thursday, May 7, 2015

"Community Mosaic Project"

I have been thinking about holding a creative workshop... and I have a group of women ready to give it a try.

While mulling it over I was reminded of a project I did several years ago at one of our church women's retreats.

The Hardy Gallery...a perfect setting on Lake Michigan

My inspiration came from the "Community Mosaic Project" sponsored by the Hardy Gallery in Ephraim, Wisconsin in Door County.  When traveling with Ellen and Lynn we stumbled on The Hardy Gallery as they were setting up the display and I was awestruck.  Each year they hand out 6 x 6 canvases to anyone who wants to participate including well known artists.  Participants create small art pieces that are displayed as a community mosaic much of the summer. Individuals can buy a number for $30 which helps fund the gallery and promote the arts. When the display is taken down they randomly draw numbers for each canvas to find its new home. When you buy your number you have no idea which canvas you will get. You can read more about it here.

This photo was found on the internet and can be found here.

For the women's retreat participants were to illustrate what "spirituality" meant to them using images and words.  I provided a wealth of mixed media and supplies and everyone got to work...skilled and skeptics alike.  I couldn't have been more proud of the result.  Our community mosaic hung in our narthex for several months.

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