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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Like Minds!

I have written about the art journals I've traded back and forth with Ellen many times...and one might think I am nearly at the end of it....but here I go again.

While we were working on the Pinterst journals both Ellen and I were inspired by this pin at the same time.

Like Minds!

I punched circles from textured card stock, cut them into quarters, and arranged them into the pinwheels.  I mounted them on punched squares and added the little bling sticker in the middle. 

You can see that I lost a few stickers.

Here is Ellen's page.  I expect she used the same process starting with circles....and I think she used paint chips...but I'm not sure.  I really like the rainbow gradation.  

We joke about the fact that I tend to be very precise and orderly with my art and she is a little more free flowing and loose. Ellen says here that this is her attempt at MA precision.

One of my favorite Ellen lines is "I throw a lot of stuff at the page and sees what sticks."  


  1. and I worked really hard to get that as precise as it is! Precision is not my one of my gifts. Glad that it is one of yours though.

  2. I strive to be less precise....but can't always pull that off!
