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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Creative Energy

We are putting our South Portland house on the market in just one week.  It's all good and new and exciting things are on the horizon.  But getting this house ready to sell inside and out has taken a lot of my creative energy.  What was I thinking selling a house during garden season....but it's the right time.

It's an interesting and exhaustive process to sell a house...and I have done it a time or two...or three...actually this is the fourth.  My job has been to depersonalize without making it sterile and showcasing the space and surfaces, not the art and collections.

I needed to simplify the mantle.  It had to have something...but the baseball guys had to go....sorry Paul.  They'll be back.  I loved the shell lights in the evening....but they needed to go too.

I brought some special baskets from Lexington. My friend Jane made the three Nantucket Light Ship Baskets....and they added the perfect coastal touch.  I will be glad to have them back in Lexington....but they may help sell the house.

And if you look baseball guy remains in the living room...Pedro Martinez.  His book is right there too...under the glove.  This is the year he gets inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame and maybe there will be one buyer who will notice and smile.

Before....a little too much going on...the after may be better.  That sweet lamp is now in the guest room.  

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