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Sunday, June 7, 2015


I have spent a couple of days in Lexington tending to you know what that means....a little puzzle time!  I'm making good goes pretty fast and it's hard to stop!  I think the lighter colors are going to be harder...but then again maybe not.

I wasn't going to do any more....then my sister called.  It's the perfect thing to do while I talk on the phone.  I am heading to Maine tomorrow for the week so I'm going to save the rest until I get least that's the plan.  

Now for the destiny part. Earlier today something crossed my mind that I was looking for on my Pinterest video board....and you'll never guess what I found.  I had forgotten that I pinned a video in fast speed of a group doing this very puzzle.  Perfect gift for me Anita and was destiny!

Check it out HERE.  It's worth the minute it takes to watch it...especially if you like puzzles.