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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Places to Pause

Paul and I have a delightful screened porch in Lexington.  It's a great place to read, take a nap, or work on a project...a perfect place to pause. (which as we get older we are doing more and more of) We live on Hancock Street which is a pretty busy street...and most of the time I can tune it out.  But during rush hour cars can be lined up in front of our house for hours waiting to pass through town....and it can be pretty busy all evening.  

But out the back door of the porch right around the corner is a little patio...part of which is covered.                                                                     Once of the first things I did when we moved in six years ago was to connect the two spaces with patio stones I found here and there on the property.  

The church had completely renovated the house but the patio was left as it was...with a dark stain. After a year or so I decided it was too dark and dreary and transformed it with a coat of paint.                                                                     
 What a difference!

When my friend Becky was visiting we found these great ceramic bird tiles on the bargain table at Crate and Barrel....and they worked perfectly under my shelf.  In case you haven't noticed...I'm a big fan of shelves.

So it looked much better...but Paul and I still weren't really using it except to grill and go to and from the garden.        

So I recently bought two new chairs and and started rethinking the space.  
It's still a work in progress....but I am liking how it feels.  It's kind of cozy and more private and it's definitely quieter...and because it's covered we could even sit and watch the rain.  
I will still enjoy the porch...but this will certainly be a another good place to pause!


  1. It's amazing what that coat of paint did to brighten the corner! It looks so much cooler and more inviting.

  2. Yes, a coat of paint can do wonders!
