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Saturday, July 18, 2015

All Freshened Up!

The yellow is gone and the guest room/craft room is all freshened up ready to reinvent.  I think it looks like the color of white sand...but still a nice contrast to the white woodwork.  It feels so clean and fresh...almost a whitewashed look.

Speaking of whitewash...I'm going to do something with the cabinet in the picture below to tone down the pine...some sort of a pickling or whitewash.  I wonder if there is such a thing as a "bluewash." There must be blue transparent stains. hmmmm

Here is the point that I had a first coat on 1/2 the room...then I moved everything over to the other side.  I like it soooo much better than the yellow....nothing against guest room in Lexington is yellow. It just wasn't right for this house.

It's a blank canvas ready for art and color.
I noticed that different times
of the day it took on a
different tone
on the

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