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Friday, July 3, 2015

Embracing the House

I thought a little more follow-up on our decision not to sell the South Portland house was in order.  And I thought I would share the beautiful lace cap hydrangea that's in full bloom in my garden right now.                              
Like I have mentioned we have moved several times and made home improvements that we have left behind. We felt it would be nice to be investing now in that long term reap the rewards of new windows we put in or to plant a tree we could watch for 20 years. The market was great for selling and interest rates were low for buying. So our plan was to sell our vacation home and look for a house with a little more space to accommodate us and our hobbies in retirement.

When we found a house in Portland with really great space we were tempted.  But in the end we thought that we might regret leaving South Portland and its access to the coast. And the reality of not being able to afford what we were looking for in South Portland was becoming a reality.

So we asked a Contractor to walk the house with us and he helped us see that there is potential in this we decided to hang onto it.

Retirement is several years away and we don't need the extra space right now. Yes this house has some work that needs to be done...but that is the price of home ownership and we will embrace fixing the issues whether it's for us or someone else. We will also make some minor changes that we will enjoy over the next several years there.  Then, once we get a little closer to retirement we will make the decision to add a little extra space... if we want to stay for the longer term.

So over time I'm going to put this house back together again...probably changing it up a bit.  And if I find the right spot....I will even plant a tree.


  1. MaryAnn your post is beautiful and poetic and lovely. I'm looking forward to watching the future with you.
