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Thursday, July 30, 2015

It's a Shelf...

...for $1.50.

I'm quite fond of shelves. The windows in the guest room are low and there was a nice wide space above for some sort of a focal point. I thought a shelf was a good option....and staging shelves is one of my favorite puttering activities.

I placed a few things up there to take the picture...but the paint needs to cure for a while so down it all came. I also traded tables.  This nice little writing desk is better suited for this space...and the bigger trestle table is now back home in Lexington for my sewing table there.  Paul was a good sport helping make the switch.

I also brought up a rug I had at home in my craft room. I'm changing things around in Lexington too and didn't need the rug and thought it went nicely with my inspiration piece.  So much for mostly blues and aquas....but when your inspiration is many just go with it.  And look at it with the vintage 50's quilt on the chair...a match made in heaven.

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