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Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Inspiration....

...for the guest room/sewing room.

Now that we're staying put in the Maine house I'm going to reinvent the little yellow guest room. It's still the color that came with the house...actually most of the rooms were yellow when we moved in...but it's time.  Or at least it's time to start thinking about may take a while.  It's summer after all.

When I redo a room I always find some sort of an inspiration piece with a color scheme I like.  I found this greeting card at the local drugstore a while back and fell in love with it. I know there's a lot of color here...but it's a soft earthy palette and that's what I'm going for. I'm going to focus on the aqua's and blues with some pops of other colors.

I mounted the card on a deep profile paint panel.  I have had it done for months but hadn't found the right spot. Now it's going to be my starting off point for the guest room/sewing room. 
Here's the before....stay tuned for the during...and after.  

This is what is actually looked like... before the decluttering for the listing.


  1. can't wait to see how "my" little room looks next time I visit!

  2. You will be in my mind while I work on it! And there will be a next time!
