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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Recycled Suns

Years ago I helped my sister Marilyn make a couple of suns for her yard out of recycled materials.  It was fun to see that they were still there...and still holding up. They are attached to the remnants of an old barn....a cool architectural feature in her yard

For this one we used a hub cap and parts from a windmill.

And here we used some metal rods from the windmill (I think) and the center is an old paint can lid.
Marilyn owns several acres out in the country in Central Wisconsin.  Her house is nested in the middle of all those trees.  

Sometime soon she will be selling and moving to Madison to downsize and be closer to her daughter, son-in-law, and grandson. 
I love this drive up the you're entering a secret garden.

Lots of good conversations on the front porch!  This sister gathering will probably be the last time I visit this beautiful place.  Thanks Marilyn!

One last walk.
It's time to head home.

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