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Saturday, August 8, 2015

A Splash of Color...

...on the table!  What a colorful treat this whole day was!

My sister Nancy is quite a gardener. She brought 10 different kinds of tomatoes from her garden to our for lunch today we had a tomato tasting.

We also tasted 5 varieties of garlic rubbed on toast.

We also had these darling Mexican sour cucumbers that looked like little watermelons and ground cherries from her garden. The yellow cherries are inside the papery looking things.  Who knew? 

We had a side of left over Asian Noodle Salad from last night...a recipe LaVonn got from "The Pioneer Woman."  It was awesome...and so pretty.

We finished off the meal with frozen yogurt on peaches that Angie brought from Missouri.

And we did a 1000 piece puzzle this morning while it rained!


  1. The ground cherries are also known as cape gooseberries. Wiki tells me that the proper name is Physalis. They have a really interesting taste, don't they! We found them in a tiny farmer's market once in Maine.

    1. Good to know! Thanks Joan! Yes...they have an interesting taste....I really like them!
