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Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Domino Ladies

Margie plays Mexican Train Dominos every week with a wonderful group of women in her neighborhood.  I met a few of them while I was there and it's clear they are a pretty special and supportive group.  Several months ago Margie consulted me on a project she was doing for the group....A Scrapbook in a Jar.  She wanted to capture the humor, the individuals, and the essence of their group using little cards and tokens that she would put in a jar for each member of the group. Since she didn't make one for herself...we borrowed Alice's so I could see the finished product.

Her cards were clever, thoughtful, and personalized for each member.  It was a labor of love...and she had a great time doing it. That's what it's all about.  Nice job Margie!

These are the back sides.
I found a sheet of domino tiles that I printed on card stock and made into cards...and using Pages I made the number version...which are the dominos they actually use.  I also printed these on card stock for her to use as more notecards.

She wanted to represent a private joke they all have about the woes of aging women. I found this cartoon image and just changed the was perfect.  Margie said she laughed all day when she got them in the mail.

I printed a sheet on card stock and cut them into little cards.

I think I had as much fun talking with Margie about the project as she did putting it all together.  And I really enjoyed seeing the finished product.

Keep Calm and Domino on!

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