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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Colors of Fall

I love the colors and coolness of fall.  It didn't feel much like fall today....but it is September 1st and those cool crisp days are right around the corner.  I'm ready!

Here are a couple "fallish" pages in my Pinterest inspired art journal.  I cut the tree out of black card stock and placed the art papers behind. In hindsight I could have done without the gold doodling on the black...there's always next time.

It was loosely inspired by the pin below which can be found here. There are some other very beautiful trees on the site.

For the companion page I cut the leaves out of scrapbook card stock that I distressed a bit with a stamp pad. Then I cut each leaf into pieces along the vein lines...separating the pieces on black paper to give it a stained glass look.

It was inspired by this stained glass piece that can be found here.