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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Sunny Side Up

I just came across these photos of a set of sun quilt squares I made a while back. My sister Marilyn and I have done several creative exchanges/challenges and this was a fun one.  Our task was to make a set of four 5 inch suns for each other and some to keep. This is the set I sent Marilyn...and this is my favorite.
I added a touch of embellishment on each square using beads and floss. I think the black and white fabric makes them kind of modern and whimsical. 

These are actually set in circles using an interesting raw edges.

These are my sister's squares she made for me....I think they are fun and funky....and kind of earthy.

This is my favorite.  I had them stored with some fabric I picked out and plan to make some sort of a little wall quilt. 

These are the squares I made and kept and they are still works in progress. I experimented with different colors so they are kind of a mismatched hodgepodge. They sit in my box of "works in progress." Maybe one day I will be able to share a sunny finished project.
This covered button is just set on top....I haven't done a center on this one.

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