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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Gift...

...that keeps on giving.

Remember when I wrote about Liz's awesome Christmas gift?  It was an experiment we did on Paul's side of the family...exchanging names with the goal of giving gifts that helped us get to know each other better.

Each month since Christmas I have been opening an envelope and leaning new things about my sister-in-law Liz...feeling more and more connected to her.  In September she shared some of her favorite things...and that was on the heels of her least favorite things in August.

In October I learned about "Fun and Games" from her childhood and what she enjoys doing now in her spare time.  She shared her favorite music and favorite childhood memories as well as life experiences and milestones that she treasures.

I have a couple of cards left....and I look forward to seeing what else I learn.

Thanks Liz!  This has truly been a gift that keeps on giving!

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