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Saturday, October 10, 2015

We Planted a Tree

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We just planted a tree in South Portland this weekend...and this is what it might look like some day.  It's a heptacodium...or seven-sons flower.  It will have white blooms in the late summer that will turn a lovely reddish pink in the fall....which is what it's doing right now!

This blossom is on MY little tree.

Again....this is on MY little tree.  I love the color!
It's part of a long term plan to gain a little more privacy in our back yard....but it's also symbolic of that fact that for now we are staying put.

It's rather small to start...but apparently they are fast growers and it will be fun to watch over the years. It also made it affordable.

Aaron, a local landscaper, helped me out and I loved watching his process.  He dug a nice hole for the tree using the sod to make a well to hold the water.  Then he used cardboard to create the shape we wanted for the bed.

There was newspaper soaking in the wheelbarrow.

Next Aaron used the wet newspaper to fill in all the gaps and cover the well around the tree...being sure to cover all the sod.

Finally, he covered the whole thing with mulch.  He said the sod dies back and provides nutrients for the soil.  Why haven't I done this before! Removing sod is awful!  I watched and I learned.

We will also do some other smaller plantings in the new bed in the spring.

Images found on line
Aaron has a few other things he's going to plant....including a Xanthoceras or yellowhorn tree that he has grown from seed.  It may be very tiny to start....but I love that he has grown it and will be fun to watch it grow.  Slow is OK while we are here just part time

This tree will have interesting fruit and the feathery foliage will turn a lovely yellow in the fall.

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