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Thursday, October 1, 2015


With Friends"  I just had to share!

I have a little routine in the morning....there's something comforting to me about a routine.  I check the weather,  my e-mail,  my blog, sometimes the news headlines, my Pinterst feed...and sometimes my Tumblr feed, and I play my "Words With Friends" games.  Sometimes it takes 10 minutes to do it all...sometimes it takes 20...sometimes I get hooked into something and then it takes on a life of it's own. But it's what I do.

If any of you are "Words With Friends" will appreciate this.  I played the word "trapeze" this morning....using all seven letters where the z fell on a triple letter and the whole word fell on a triple word.

The word stars were really lined up today!

It's the little things.

Happy October!