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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Marc's Mosaics...

....and so much more!

Last weekend I attended a party at a beautiful home full of art....bright, colorful, whimsical art. There was something to look at in every nook and cranny. Even the rugs were handmade works of art. Here's a tiny glimpse at Marc's eclectic collection.

Marc and his husband are art collectors...but Marc is also a mosaic artist. Although for now he's a realtor...which keeps him pretty busy. I first knew about his work through my friend Jane who has a few of his pieces. This blue and white china mirror hangs in her new bathroom and this multi-colored one hangs in her hallway.

(The "mirror selfie" is an unfortunate byproduct of taking pictures of mirrors. Here I have on my painting shirt...)

While touring Marc's home I enjoyed seeing his mosaics scattered throughout.  My favorite was his "found object" mirror hanging in the living many interesting bits of this and that.

I also love this beautiful table top...the colors are so rich!

Thanks Marc...for a great party and letting me photograph your art!

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