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Saturday, November 14, 2015


I love traditions!  No matter how simple or elaborate they might be...there is something comforting about a tradition.

We have lots of traditions in our family....especially when the boys were growing up.  One, for example, was always putting up our Christmas tree up on December 2nd...the anniversary of Paul's and my first date where we decorated a little tree in Paul's college dorm room. Another was the "Christmas elf" coming every night from December 1st until Christmas leaving a little something for the boys on the coffee table in their little Christmas boxes. Sometimes it was a candy kiss, sometimes a quarter...and every once in a while a little toy or a book.  It took the edge off during that long season of waiting.

To this day...something is always waiting in the boxes on the coffee table for my "older boys" when they visit for Christmas.


My friend Anita is on the third year of a new tradition making some sort of little tree place holder/favor for her Christmas table.  This year she made these sweet little trees that hold nine Hershey Kisses and a couple of Nuggets.
It all started with these sweet little stacked box trees topped with a paper star. We made them in our church project group for a holiday fair a couple of years ago...and Anita ran with the idea at home. 

In one box was a Christmas quote, in another a joke, and treats in the remaining two.  What fun! And what a great addition to the Christmas table.                                                                                          
Last year Anita made these sweet little pyramid trees with little treats inside.

I love a tradition!  Nice job will be fun to see what you come up with next year!  And thanks for sending me the pictures.

And Nate and Sam....the elf is still watching!

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