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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Joyful Puttering Day

Today was a day to "putter" around the of my favorite things to do. 

And it's December 2nd....traditionally the Shupe tree day. But I will confess that my niece Clarke helped me get the tree up this last weekend. I'm getting wiser in my old age...but no less sentimental. Clarke did some of the decorating...but I added to it today....during my day of puttering.

I also had a delightful conversation with Margie, my mother-in-law today. She told me that Dave (my father-in-law) used to like to "putter"...that's even what he called it. He loved to putter in the garage tidying up his workshop...or putter in the basement fiddling with one of his craft projects. She said that he didn't always get too much done...he just liked to "putter." What a great connection!

And, now that I think of dad used to go to the barn or the shed after supper every night for a little while....I bet he was just puttering.


  1. To funny....I wasn't saying the word, Puttering was weird. I meant the word - Blog. I don't know why people call websites - Blogs. LOL just wanted to be sure you knew that.

    I am always puttering, but I am the creative sort so my Puttering is Creative ventures. Puttering in my mind, reminds me what my Mom used to do because she had nothing better to do with her time (well...not really). Puttering was like cleaning, picking up stuff and putting it away.

    But it was the word - Blog - which I was relating to, because that is what your type of Websites are now called.

    1. Yes....too is a strange word. Websites are static...the home page always looks the same and you can link or open windows to see certain parts. Blogs are ever a story unfolding...or a journal...the home page is always the current story/post and they just keep stacking on top of one another. Every time you click on a blog you see something different and every time you click on a website you see mostly the same thing.

      Nice to hear you are a putterer too! I'm sure I inherited my puttering from my mom. Thanks for sharing!
