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Monday, January 25, 2016

Coloring Connection

One of my biggest blog fans is Margie, my mother-in-law.  Days and days go by when she doesn't turn on her computer (I love that about her)...but when she does she catches up on the blog and is always interested and appreciative. That alone makes it worthwhile for me.

Today I got a sweet card in the mail from Margie. She knew I would like the actual card....and yes...I love the textural squares and earthy colors. Parts of it may show up in some of my collages when I have the heart to cut it up. She also shared that she discovered a coloring book she bought from a Shaker village she and Dave visited years ago. After she found it she went out and bought herself a new pack of colored pencils and has started coloring. Now we have a coloring connection! I LOVE IT!

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