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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sharing My Stuff!

I once heard the startling statistic that we use 20% of our stuff....and we just store the rest. Yikes! I think that might be somewhat true for me. Furthermore, I have recently come to the conclusion that my abundance of art and craft supplies is actually getting in the way of my creativity. I need to make room literally and figuratively in my creative I'm going to share!

I have spent much of my life accumulating all this really cool stuff. Because I see potential in almost everything...I pick things up here and there....take things that people are getting rid of...and save bits and scraps of this and that. I have too much stuff! I'm going to turn this problem into an opportunity and start joyfully giving things away. Don't get me wrong...I'm not getting rid of everything because I will always be crafting, sewing, and making art....but I need to lighten the load. 
I have paper...lots and lots of paper....scrapbook paper, decorative computer paper, specialty paper, card stock, drawing paper, tissue, glitter, wire, beads, pipe cleaners, fabric, new and used Christmas and greeting cards, old calendars, yarns, strings, misc jewelry making supplies, and who knows what else! 
What projects are you working on? What are you looking for that might help? Would you like a box of goodies for a project...or just for your stash?  If I have what you need I will share.  My only request is you tell me...or better me what you do with it. (and I wouldn't turn down postage) And, only if it's OK with you I will share it here on the blog. I am always inspired by the creativity of others.  
It's going to be fun sharing my stuff!

Those of you who know me can contact me directly.  Those of you who don't can contact me using the contact form along the side of the blog.

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