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Monday, February 29, 2016

Fall Horizon

In case you missed some posts....I am currently working on several pieces for a little art show in April. I am using the theme "unexpected horizons" to tie my pieces together and fabric is just one medium I will be using.  The show will be in my chiropractor, Dr. Adam's office gallery in Lexington and she invites any local artist to display their work for a month. Know anyone? Check out her website for more about her practice. Dr. Adams is also a stone sculptor...check her amazing work out here.

I made this little quilt from batiks and beautiful hand dyed fabric from Cherry Wood Fabrics. This one is inspired by fall horizons and fields on the farm.

As usual I'm still still mulling over the framing...but will probably go with this.  I thought I measured so carefully...but it ended up just a hair smaller than I would have liked....I wanted just a hint of the stripe showing. Staining the outer frame will help tie it all together.
I just realized as I see it on the screen that the little yellow square of the batik looks like a candle next to the navy one above it.

I'm also still deciding on the floss accents....I had some french knots but wasn't sure I like them so took them out.  I kind of sweat the once again...I will set it aside.  It's far enough along to know it will work out in the end.

I found these chunky frames at Michaels...they were 40% off and another 20% my whole they were literally less than $5 each. A chunky canvas that fits into the wooden frame that I edged with striped fabric using matt medium.                                                                           
The cover of this planner I made for Connie was also done with hand dyed fabric from Cherrywood. Their colors are so rich! These fabrics came in a set called "Tropicana." I have enough for lots of projects! I'm seeing some horizons in these colors!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Becky! I like it too! If someone doesn't buy it maybe it will end up in your house!
