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Monday, February 22, 2016

Horizon On The Farm

This horizon is an eastern view from the farm I grew up on in Wisconsin. This field was across the driveway from the house...sometimes it was planted with corn, sometimes with wheat or soybeans.  

When darker clouds were coming in from the east...and the west was clear with the setting sun behind us...the sun would shine on the back of the field and the front would be in the shadow creating this incredible glowing stripe on the horizon line.

I always loved it when that happened!
I showed this little piece before but since then I added a little sequence and beads at the bottom and settled on a shell button for the moon. It's still not attached to the chunky canvas...I'm still mulling that over.

I made it before I landed on my horizon theme. But it works...and reminds me of the glowing fields. I guess horizons were rattling around in my head all along.

I will likely make a set of four little scenes like this for the show...inspired by the horizons on the farm.

Here is the same field with soybeans....and the sun and shadow line starting to narrow.

And....just for are my boys years ago in the same field when it was wheat.  

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