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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Playing with Fabric and Floss

Ever since I signed on to show some of my art projects in Dr. Adams' office in April I have been thinking...sketching...and playing around with a few things.  I want to include a variety of media but I also need there to be it looks good all hanging together.  There will likely be fabric, felting, paper...including paper tubes.

I have dusted off the sewing machine and played around with fabric.  I have been thinking about art quilts with punch needle inserts for a long time...and I finally tried it out today. It's still a work in progress....I'm auditioning different buttons and I'm going to add a few beads.  But I like the mix so I think I'm on to something. I need to work on my quilting lines...they need to be a little more wonky...or something.

I'll write more about punch needle sometime soon.

Right now it's just sitting on the black canvas....I'm not sure it's the right color....but I do know I want to mount it. Maybe it should be navy.... hmmmm. I just need to fiddle and play around.

And...I worked on a companion....similar but different. I will probably do several of these little 5 x 5 mini quilts.  They're kind of fun.

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