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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Post Card Exchange

I mentioned a while back that Ellen and I were going to exchange art post cards. She just received the one I did for her so now I can write about it...hers will be in the mail soon. It was a fun little one time project...although we may do it again. When I was working on the draft of this post I had the whole picture of the front....and I realized I shouldn't splash our addresses across the I digitally overlayed some stars.  I used washi tape on the edges...but I was afraid it would pull up and stick to other mail so I did a quick zig zag stitch and some simple little watercolor and punched circles.

On the back I did a little timeline of sorts of our art journey. Many of the scraps and snippets are leftovers from some of our shared journals and projects. I would have preferred to just have one stitching line...but wanted it to be more secure in the mail. I had a little space on the bottom right for a few last words..and realized a little too late that I already had "beads".....but there have been lots of beads so it's OK. 

All three images from

My postcard was inspired by this image I found on Pinterest from a mixed media site....which was actually inspired by Danielle Donaldson. Both artists created a visual timeline with a watercolor background and images representing different parts of their lives. The mixed media artist turned hers into a little accordion book. Danielle's in one of the features in a beautiful book called Creative Girl, Mixed Media for a Creative Life...which I immediately ordered. It's wonderful book full of good ideas and techniques that I will refer to again and again.


  1. perfect perfect perfect! I love the card and yours will be in the mail tomorrow--I finished too late on Saturday. I'm in for another swap. E

    1. Looking forward to getting yours. Another swap would be good in April.
