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Tuesday, March 8, 2016


I have become a fan of It's reasonable, fast, and they have a huge selections to choose from. Joan and are are s-l-o-w-l-y working on art for some of the newly renovated offices at Church. Can you still say "newly renovated" when it's been a full year? We are creating some handmade pieces....but we are also purchasing some. 

In this particular big box was a modern piece by John Butler called New Tonic II.

We loved the rich colors and simple geometric design! We had it mounted on wood and thought it would be the starting off point for one of the offices...but it landed in another spot.
The print fit perfectly in this spot right next to the new elevator....drawing your eye away from the ugly electrical panel right next door.  It also adds a nice pop of color. (The pictures do not do it justice.)


Much to our coordinates perfectly with the "welcome wall." The two modern pieces third from the left are also from ART.COM.  they are mounted on canvas...which is a little more expensive and nicer than on the wood.

We love all three pieces from!

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