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Friday, March 11, 2016

Fine Line

Collage Experiment Part 3
Read about part 1 here.
Read about part 2 here.

There's a fine line between tweaking and obsessing....and I walked that line for a few days. Although I liked my Portland skyline collage..something about it was really bugging me.

What I did know was that I liked this photo view better than the one that was straight on.  What I came to realize is that the focal point that I created with the edge of the collage was smack dab in the middle....a design no no. This photo deemphasized that...which is why I liked it better.

I did a little reading on line about composition and horizon and I learned about the "rule of thirds."  Whether you're taking a photograph or designing a divide your frame into thirds and the horizon line should be near one of the two lines. In addition...if you divide your image into a 3 x 3 grid...your focal point should be near one of the intersecting lines. This was very helpful!

The horizon line of the actual photo was way at the top...but I think I created another horizon with the collage elements.  For placement I just used the bottom of the photograph as my guide...not paying attention to where it landed on the piece. I also wasn't happy with some of the embellishments and the rounded shapes.  So I scraped off what I didn't like and obsessed...I mean tweaked for a few days.

It may not be perfect...but I think it's improved. So once's my photo collage experiment...part 3!