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Monday, March 21, 2016

Full Circle Art!

I am back up in South Portland ready for the next round of our little construction project. I'm thinking about the reinvented space...which means I'm thinking about art. I bought this print from Rachel Mason Burger, a local artist, at a show just before Christmas. 

I loved the colors and the view of Portland from the South Portland side of the harbor. It features the Bug Light on our side and the Portland Observatory on the Portland side, and lots of fun stuff in between.

I saved it knowing we would be doing some work at our South Portland home...and I knew that it would find a good home.

I had purchased a smaller print not really sure where it was going to go....and when the wall came down last week...I knew I could use a bigger one.  So I contacted the artist...who actually lives just a few streets over. She invited me to her studio this afternoon....and I traded up for a bigger size.  I'm excited to have it framed and work into the new space.

Rachel is the same artist who painted this view of Portland I have over the mantle.  It's a view of the marsh just down the street overlooking Portland. I wrote about here.
It's also the same view I featured in my silly little collage experiment. I took a picture from the same spot of the painting and modified it in the waterlogue app.  A full circle art moment don't you think?

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