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Thursday, March 31, 2016

"That Piece"

I was talking with a a friend earlier this week and she said she hoped I had "that piece" in my show that said "I'm a serious artist"...and price to say that.  Yikes! I'm not even sure I AM a serious artist....but I was hearing what she was saying.  It was similar to the focal point Becky was talking about a while back. I thought I had a focal was fun...but it wasn't really "that piece." And I thought my paper tube mirror was pretty wasn't "that piece" either.

I mulled it over all day long....woke up in the middle of the night and realized I could still make "that piece"....and I had some of the parts and all of the supplies. So Tuesday morning I got busy....and as of a few minutes ago it's almost done.  (10:00 p.m. Thursday)

It's 12" by 36" and will be mounted on a black canvas. It's been quite a process over the last three days. I took a few pictures along the way and I want to share some of what I learned...but that will be another day because I'm tired. This was a good thing for me to do...and I will probably even call it "That Piece." 

1 comment:

  1. It will be hanging somewhere when you come next time.....unless someone takes a liking to it.
