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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Now It's Done!

If you're a Project Runway fan you will understand this...if not...sorry. I am always puzzled by the fact that the finalist have 3 months to make their collections for fashion week....but they generally end up racing around at the last minute tweaking, reworking...or even making whole pieces.  But now I understand. 

I put up my little show tomorrow morning.  I've had a couple of months to prepare...but....I saved too much for today including another little tweak on "The Piece." 

After seeing the photo in the last post....I realized the white buttons were wrong...these are better....NOW it's done. Thanks Joan for helping me mount it on the worked out well and I am pretty happy with "The Piece." Tomorrow it will be hanging on a purple wall in the office....and eventually it will look nice in either of my houses.

I wan't kidding...this is what's on the back.
This little piece I called "Serenity" I started it a while back...but forgot about I basically made the whole thing tonight.  It's a photo of a sunset on the coast of Maine...with a little bit of gold ribbon and a tiny little quilt block.  The window  of the matt is only about 4 inches.  This is the kind of thing I want to do more of. I like mixing photos in with collages papers and fabric. 


  1. Woohoo! Congrats on finishing! I CAN'T believe that you made that last piece, after I saw you yesterday. You truly are amazing!

  2. love it all. good luck with hanging. Looking forward to hearing/reading about it
