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Saturday, April 9, 2016

Work Weekend

It was a work weekend in Maine...and it's coming along.

Friday was filled with dusting, shaking, and vacuuming drywall dust...and a little furniture arranging. This morning I primed all the newly mudded walls and weekend I can start to paint. Things are just plopped.....I'll spend a lot of time restyling the spaces and rethinking the art. That will be the fun part and I'm almost there. The new open space has a good feel.

I love the new bookshelf in the kitchen....I still have to paint it...but that can wait.  I'm so glad I have a prominent spot for Adam's stars. I'm going to keep my garden cross stitch where it is...and am auditioning different pieces to hang below.                                                                
I think I will go with this moth print I bought from Holly at Golly Bard.  I love her work!   The colors and subject are just right with the cross stitch...and I love the whimsy.  I also love this sweet little bike made out of wire I found at a new shop in Lexington.                                                                   

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