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Monday, May 30, 2016

"People Buy Your Joy"

Lilla Rogers, artist, teacher, and author of the book I just Want to Make Things claims that "people buy your joy." 

Today was take down day at my "Unexpected Horizons" art show and I think it was a big success. Over the two months I sold 23 pieces and at least 6 or 8 mobiles. On my way home this morning I delivered "That Piece" (above) to its new friend Amy....and tomorrow I'll deliver "A Little Serenity" to my friend Linda. Thanks for buying my joy!
And the good news is Dr. Adams wants me to come back for another show sometime. 

As we were taking things down....Dr. Adams bought that last piece I just took in a few days ago.... "Indigo Moon" and she and I picked fabric for the second commission she ordered.  

It will be fun to come up with some new things again at some point...but for now I will welcome the break and focus on my house and my gardens.

This was a good thing for me to do...I learned a lot about myself and what I'm capable of. I'm very grateful do Dr. Adams for giving me the opportunity.