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Thursday, May 26, 2016

This and That

I drove up to Maine last night to get a head start on my day of doing this and that.
This morning I finally finished up the painting in the living room. Now I can put it all back together...and this little construction project will be nearly done.  (I still need to paint the new shelf in the kitchen....but that may wait a while. If you don't look too closely...the primer looks like paint. Or that's what I'm telling myself.

I spent the afternoon outside...weeding, trimming, and cleaning up.  It was a beautiful day....for this and that.

My new favorite bush is Aronia...a kind of choke cherry.  The blossoms are just lovely and it has a nice upright shape with black "super berries" in the fall.

I like it in front of the house. It will only get 5 or 6 feet tall so won't cover the window...but provide just a bit of privacy. The variegated red twig dogwood on the left will get 5 to 7 feet tall and will fill that corner nicely.

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