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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tracing and Coloring

My friend Connie lives at a retirement facility that is in the middle of a major building project. 

There is a long hallway called Main Street that has a temporary barrier wall with little windows so residents can watch the project unfold. They have divided the wall into sections and are inviting and encouraging residents to do murals and coloring projects. They asked Connie to design a section...and she enlisted my help.

Connie's vision was to depict the 21 original board of trustees in simple stick figures with a list of all their names.  We came up with a computer rendering which I printed on a transparency and projected on the wall with an overhead projector.  I traced all the figures and names using a black marker and together we colored the ties and beads. The figure in the middle represents the current CEO...who is also on this list of original trustees. I think it was a successful project! We make a good team!

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