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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

I Have a Baby....

rain lily bud!

I have to start this post with a picture of my sister LaVonn's pot of rain lilies.

She gave me some of her bulbs at the beginning of last year's garden season and so far I have not had the success she's had. Last year I posted about my two blooms....she thinks they may take a while to get established.  LaVonn has had these in this same pot for years.  
I wintered them over in my basement and I posted this photo at the beginning of May when they first went outside....pretty sad.

This photo below was taken on May 21st....still a bit sad...but at least there is some signs of life.


A week or so ago I moved them to my front steps where they would get more sun...and maybe have a fighting chance. The certainly look better.

And just today when I was watering.....I saw a tiny little bud!  I'm so excited about my baby bud!  I hope there's more coming!

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