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Monday, June 13, 2016

"The Language of Flowers"

In hindsight I wondered if my post yesterday was too trite....too shallow on heels of the tragedy in Orlando. Maybe. How could I simply hope for more buds?  There are so many more important things to hope for such as tolerance and acceptance in our very diverse world.
Just today I noticed two new buds pushing their way through the soil of my rain lily pot. (look closely) I know all that really means is that I'm going to have more blooms. But that brings me a little joy and gives me hope....even in the midst of something really tragic and sad. 

I just finished a delightful book called The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh.  It focuses on Victoria, a troubled young girl who uses her gift for understanding the "language of flowers" to change lives....including her own.

So I think my celebration of the "pink" in my garden was not such a shallow post after all...I just used the language of flowers.   

"Where flowers does hope." 

In the book....Victoria uses the iris as a symbol for her flower business....and it's meaning, "MESSAGE," as the name. 

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