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Monday, August 15, 2016

All Stitched

I finished the machine stitching on my little class quilt. I may add a little hand stitching and embellishment...and I may mount it on a canvas.  We'll see.

After the top stitching was done...following Melody's instruction on finishing techniques...I cut squares out of the corners....
folded the edges over and fused them to the back.
Then I fused another piece of fabric to the back to cover all the mess. Pretty slick...and pretty easy....a technique I will use again and again.
Now I just need to practice my stitching and get a little more creative and brave about stitching patterns. There are some problems....but I learned a lot that I can apply to the next one. Yes...there will be a next one to be sure. 

I'm sketching and collecting all kinds of ideas for more fused quilts.


  1. I love your colors! Looks like this class was a thumbs up!

    1. Thanks. Yes...the class is definitely a thumbs up.
