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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Caught My Eye

A month or so ago while I was in Wisconsin Becky and I attended "Art On (and off) the Square"....a fabulous art show all around the capital.  

From a distance something shimmery caught my eye....I had to see what it was.

I love repurposed art....but I had never seen anything like this clever! All the circles are punched from aluminum cans. A second smaller hole is punched in the circles so they rest loosely on the nails allowing them to jiggle and shimmer in the light and breeze. They were made by Hannah Dreiss & Nemo of Eco-Folk Art from Comfort, Texas.

I bought a mini version that's only 3 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches. I love the blues and greens...and I mostly love that it's made from recycled materials.

It's new home is between the windows at the kitchen sink....where I can see it every day I'm in Maine. It makes me smile right next to a little sunshine and a little joy.