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Monday, August 29, 2016

Checkerboard Project

I hunkered down last evening and this morning and finished my homework for last week's composition and design fusing assignment.  I'm excited about this week's overlay illusion assignment... but it will have wait.  I'm heading out of town for a bit to visit family so no fusing for me for a while.

There may be a bit too much going on...but this is about practicing learned techniques and working on if that was my goal I guess I was successful.  I used a couple elements from previous assignments and of course a little of the checkerboard fabric I created. There are certainly things I would do differently....but I'm enjoying the process and learning a lot. I actually think it looks better in person.

I experimented printing on fabric and had this little "joy" on a piece of fused it on.  It got me thinking that I could print it in a variety of sizes and fonts on a variety of colors of fabric...and there may be a little joy on all my fused quilts somewhere. hmmmm


  1. How about even putting "Joy" on the back of all your projects? Because that is what they bring to all who experience them!
